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Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Wordless Wednesday on, um, Wednesday

The last two images are courtesy of I Can Has Cheeseburger. I'm hoping the weather will improve enough for me to get out and take some new pics soon. Happy Wednesday!


Andree said...

I love cheezeburger! I get their emails every morning. The toupee one is fantastic. Thank you!

Napaboaniya.Elaine Ling said...

'Do Coke' is hilarious!!! It's as though the cat is laughing :P
It's not a Weekend;It's a Lifestyle

maiylah said...

LOL ... funny post! thanks for the laughs! :D
Happy WW!

Utah Mommy said...

Funky animals huh! I got funky boy too! Please check it out! Happy WW! God bless!

eastcoastlife said...

So many funny pictures. Had me in stitches.

Hope the weather turns better so you can go out and take more pictures. ^-^

Ingrid said...

Hahaha ! good for my mood in the early morning ! You should see the paws of Merlin who is such a "naked cat" I have never seen paws like his ! (On Dragonhearts blog)
I just read your post about your cat who had attacked you so badly and now I am off to see Andree's answer !

BNS said...

Great cat collection. They made me chuckle.


Dragonstar said...

These are fun. I particularly like the wee spy!

Heart of Rachel said...

Funny photos! Thanks for the good laugh.

CHIKAI ♥ said...

funny cats! hehehe! tfs! ;)

btw, thanks for checking out my entry!


Four-eyed-missy said...

Very funny! Do they have something with dogs in it, too?

Daisy said...

I love Cheezburger, too!

Gabriel said...

Cool pictures, I love cats!

Please check my post here.

Happy WW!
