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Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Wordless Wednesday - At The Seaside


Anonymous said...

Great seaside shots Siani! happy ww to you...

jams o donnell said...

Nice shots Siani! Happy WW

Anonymous said...

Cool collection of seaside fauna!

Ingrid said...

Wow, amazing pictures ! When I was at the Red Sea in Egypt now, I made an excursion on a "Glassboat" and could see wonderful corals, fishes etc. in the sea. Looks like another world !

SandyCarlson said...

Bad day for the jelly and star! Great pictures, though!

Deb said...

Those are really cool - it's amazing to see sea creatures up close like that! Happy WW :)

bundle-o-contradictions said...

How very neat! Thanks for sharing. :)

Anonymous said...

I'm glad you did not step on that jellyfish!

Mommy Lutchi said...

gosh, gorgeous sea creatures...Mine is up at 4Seasonsofmylife .Hope you can visit me too.

Anonymous said...

Those are beautiful.

Shelia said...

Incredible pictures! That jelly fish made me kinda itchy though, lol. Happy WW!

Daisy said...

Neat-o! Those are some beautiful shots. I especially like the jellyfish.

Anonymous said...

Oh, sea finds! I love it. It is really fun to be at the sea.

Thanks for being one of my constant blogger friend! I really appreciate it!

Anonymous said...

WHOA! Very goos macro shots (= Love them!

Liz said...

Great shots Siani! I've posted the award you gave me. Thanks again. :)

Anonymous said...

Those photos are great, I liked them. Thanks for sharing.
