I guess most of us have some kind of phobia or other. Sometimes, the phobias are mild, other times, they can seriously interfere with a person's life. Here are a few of the most peculiar phobias.
1.... Arachibutyrophobia - people suffering from this, fear peanut butter sticking to the roof of their mouth. Don't we all?
2.... Defecaloesiophobia - this is a fear of painful bowel movements. I'll resist the urge to say anyone suffering from this is just full of sh*t, as that would be such a feeble pun.
3.... Ephebiphobia - the fear of teenagers. I suffer from this. I think every resident of my neighbourhood aged 25 and over, has this phobia.
4.... Geniophobia - the fear of chins. It's a good job this phobia doesn't affect Jimmy Hill or Bruce Forsyth.
5.... Hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia - fear of the number 666. No, I don't know how you pronounce that!
6.... Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia - the fear of long words. Looking at that word - I think I may develop that phobia soon.
7.... Pentheraphobia - the fear of one's mother-in-law. I should imagine this is a very common one.
8.... Proctophobia - fear of rectums. Exactly how does one develop this? I mean, it's not like most people have everyday encounters with rectums, is it?
9.... Peladophobia - fear of bald people. Alien abductees, LOL?
10... Ithyphallophobia - fear of seeing, thinking about, or having an erect penis. Hmm. If I insert a 'c' between the 't' and first 'h', it would become itchyphallophobia, which could even be a whole new phobia. I'll let you work out what it would be a phobia of...
11... Alektorophobia - fear of chickens. Too damn right! Chickens are scary. Those beady little eyes are very creepy!
12... Bogyphobia - fear of bogeys or the bogeyman. He's behind you!
13... Consecotaleophobia - fear of chopsticks. The kind you get at a Chinese restaurant, or the piano-playing exercise? I dunno!
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God forgive me, but I have a hard time spotting the difference between six and seven on this list, which is a laugh and a half and makes me feel relieved I won't be facing any spelling bees anytime soon!
Those are hysterical! Who fears rectums?
Happy tt!
GREAT list - I'm laughing my butt off. Love it!! Have a great week!
Very funny siani...I had to check a couple of them, it was hard to believe they were real...
Thanks for visiting me!
this may be the funniest tt i've ever read! haha!
happy tt!
Those are funny! I guess they have a name for everything. Myself, I think I have the p-nut butter fear, too. Because when I get to lick a little p-nut butter, it takes a squillion licks to get it all off.
Thursdatriksadecalistaphobia - Fear of Thursday Thirteen Lists!
Ha! I'm not too fond of chickens! Happy TT to you...
Hi! Very informative post. My friend's son is suffering from #2.
Thanks for the visit!
LOL! Great list! I definitely have #3. :D
Hahaha, how did you find that, it's great ! I suffer very much of Arachibutyrophobia the peanut butter. !
Those are some very strange phobias!
hihihih, I especially like #3, which has nothing to do with the fact that I'm a teacher dealing with kids between 10 and 17, noooo, of course not!
But Triskaidekaphobia really is "Thirteen"-phobia!
Happy TT!
Greets Julia
What a bunch of weird words - not to mention the attached phobias!
Oh, funny. I always thoughtthat it was odd that the word for "fear of long words" was a long word itself--why is that?
Number 8 almost had me blowing oatmeal out my nose I laughed so hard!
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