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Thursday, November 29, 2007

Thursday Thirteen # 9

Thirteen Bizarre Phobias

I guess most of us have some kind of phobia or other. Sometimes, the phobias are mild, other times, they can seriously interfere with a person's life. Here are a few of the most peculiar phobias.

1.... Arachibutyrophobia - people suffering from this, fear peanut butter sticking to the roof of their mouth. Don't we all?

2.... Defecaloesiophobia - this is a fear of painful bowel movements. I'll resist the urge to say anyone suffering from this is just full of sh*t, as that would be such a feeble pun.

3.... Ephebiphobia - the fear of teenagers. I suffer from this. I think every resident of my neighbourhood aged 25 and over, has this phobia.

4.... Geniophobia - the fear of chins. It's a good job this phobia doesn't affect Jimmy Hill or Bruce Forsyth.

5.... Hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia - fear of the number 666. No, I don't know how you pronounce that!

6.... Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia - the fear of long words. Looking at that word - I think I may develop that phobia soon.

7.... Pentheraphobia - the fear of one's mother-in-law. I should imagine this is a very common one.

8.... Proctophobia - fear of rectums. Exactly how does one develop this? I mean, it's not like most people have everyday encounters with rectums, is it?

9.... Peladophobia - fear of bald people. Alien abductees, LOL?

10... Ithyphallophobia - fear of seeing, thinking about, or having an erect penis. Hmm. If I insert a 'c' between the 't' and first 'h', it would become itchyphallophobia, which could even be a whole new phobia. I'll let you work out what it would be a phobia of...

11... Alektorophobia - fear of chickens. Too damn right! Chickens are scary. Those beady little eyes are very creepy!

12... Bogyphobia - fear of bogeys or the bogeyman. He's behind you!

13... Consecotaleophobia - fear of chopsticks. The kind you get at a Chinese restaurant, or the piano-playing exercise? I dunno!

Get the Thursday Thirteen code here!


SandyCarlson said...

God forgive me, but I have a hard time spotting the difference between six and seven on this list, which is a laugh and a half and makes me feel relieved I won't be facing any spelling bees anytime soon!

jenn said...

Those are hysterical! Who fears rectums?

Happy tt!

Tiffany Aller said...

GREAT list - I'm laughing my butt off. Love it!! Have a great week!

maryt/theteach said...

Very funny siani...I had to check a couple of them, it was hard to believe they were real...

Thanks for visiting me!

amanda rae said...

this may be the funniest tt i've ever read! haha!

happy tt!


Daisy said...

Those are funny! I guess they have a name for everything. Myself, I think I have the p-nut butter fear, too. Because when I get to lick a little p-nut butter, it takes a squillion licks to get it all off.

DoubleDeckerBusGuy said...

Thursdatriksadecalistaphobia - Fear of Thursday Thirteen Lists!

Anonymous said...

Ha! I'm not too fond of chickens! Happy TT to you...

Anonymous said...

Hi! Very informative post. My friend's son is suffering from #2.

Thanks for the visit!

Nicole Austin said...

LOL! Great list! I definitely have #3. :D

Ingrid said...

Hahaha, how did you find that, it's great ! I suffer very much of Arachibutyrophobia the peanut butter. !

Dragonheart, Merlin, Devi, and Chloe said...

Those are some very strange phobias!

Julia said...

hihihih, I especially like #3, which has nothing to do with the fact that I'm a teacher dealing with kids between 10 and 17, noooo, of course not!
But Triskaidekaphobia really is "Thirteen"-phobia!

Happy TT!
Greets Julia

Dragonstar said...

What a bunch of weird words - not to mention the attached phobias!

Shan said...

Oh, funny. I always thoughtthat it was odd that the word for "fear of long words" was a long word itself--why is that?

Baldwins Girl said...

Number 8 almost had me blowing oatmeal out my nose I laughed so hard!
