Thanks for visiting my blog. Love the shot of your cat. I can get the camera out for Mateo (Jack Russel Terrier) and he actually tucks his stubber and runs to hide from me. He hates to have his picture taken. Kudos to you for being able to capture such a nice pic. Happy WW! Have a nice day.
As of December 6th, 2009, this blog will no longer publish any content for remuneration. Old paid posts will be gradually removed, as and when I have the time.
About Siani
Siani (pronounced Shah-ni) is a pro-blogger, writer, photographer, caffeine and chocolate addict.
LOCATION: Swansea, Wales.
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Hi there!Great capture!Is that your cat?Feeling comfy on your bed too!
That is a great shot! funny!!
Thanks for visiting my blog. Love the shot of your cat. I can get the camera out for Mateo (Jack Russel Terrier) and he actually tucks his stubber and runs to hide from me. He hates to have his picture taken. Kudos to you for being able to capture such a nice pic. Happy WW! Have a nice day.
You got it ! It is soo difficult to take a picture when a cat is ..... yawning, lol !
Yawn...I am sleepy now looking at your cat! :D
And the tag is here:
What an evil smile! Happy WW!
That is a very cute cheesy grin!
Funny shot. You have to be pretty quick with the click to catch that.
Happy WW.
Great photo! :) Perfect timing to capture the yawn. :)
I think that cat is saying "meow" instead of "cheese"
My post is here.
Have a happy WW!
**giggle** Timing is everything!
Happy Wednesday. :)
Lol.. that's a cute photo. Happy WW!
Btw, please visit, there's a surprise waiting for you.
ok she make me yawn Now i feel tired..great shot.Happy WW!
mine's here
That's a great shot - it's so hard to catch them mid-yawn! :) Happy WW!
He is so handsome but that mouth is big enough to get well around an arm isn't it!! How is the blue meanie these days?
Happy WW
Hehehe - are you sure he/she isn't singing? Adorable!
Lovely shot of the demonic Leo!
Is that a yawn? heehee..
I think we both uses the same notebook :)
How adorable! Is she yours?
Happy WW!
A good yawn ... makes me want to go back to bed but have to take my son to school in a while. :)
Thanks for visiting.
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