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Saturday, January 26, 2008

PhotoHunt: Old-fashioned

This week's theme is Old-fashioned. Alas, I don't own any antique furniture or vintage clothing, and can't find the CD containing images from visits to various museums. So, I've had to dig deep for pics for this week's theme, and have been forced into yet more repetition. Ugh. Never mind.

I used this first image for a Wordless Wednesday post a few months ago. For those of you who haven't seen it before, it shows a very old-fashioned thatched cottage in a coastal village called Oxwich, a few miles from where I live. It's very old - at least 300 years, if not more. The founder of the Methodist faith, John Wesley, stayed here on numerous occasions.

Here's a closer look at the plaque on the wall, commemorating Wesley's visits. If you click the image to enlarge it, you should be able to read the plaque.

Just along the road from the cottage, you'll find this old-fashioned craft shop and tea rooms. It's called Y Bwthyn (pronounced Uh Boo-thin) - which is Welsh for 'The Cottage'.

I'm afraid that's all I have for this week. Hope you all have a lovely weekend, and I look forward to visiting as many other PhotoHunters as possible.


eastcoastlife said...

What quaint cottages! I would love to have tea in that cottage. I love old fashioned things.

Happy weekend siani!

Carver said...

I haven't seen them so I'm glad you posted the old fashioned cottage and shops again. Lovely. Hope you have a great weekend.

imac said...

Hey, i like your J. Wesley cottage, great photo hunt pic. well done.

jmb said...

There is nothing wrong with those photos for this theme. I love the thatched cottage which looks very well cared for.
Have a great weekend there in Wales.

Napaboaniya.Elaine Ling said...

I'm intrigued by the roof of the old fashion house. I wonder what it's made off. Interesting!

SabineM said...

Lovely! I love rooftops like that!
Though it would be illegal here in California...

Anonymous said...

Hi!Great finds!
Good take on the theme!
Mine is up at

Juliana said...

oh..i like it that cottage. Great photos.

My Old fashioned

Have a nice weekend

Chris said...

One of my favourite parts of the world!! Thanks for sharing, Siani, and have a great weekend.

Liz said...

Those cottages are beautiful. Perfect for old-fashioned. Have a blessed weekend.

moms..... check nyo

Anonymous said...

Hi Siani! Thanks... I can now comment here ;) Great choices for old fashioned.

Have a great weekend.

jams o donnell said...

Those are really nice choices for the theme. Happy weekend Siani!

Dragonheart, Merlin, Devi, and Chloe said...

Those are great examples of old-fashioned! Lovely photos of the thatched cottage and the craft shop and tea room. :)

Anonymous said...

We lived in a thatched cottage once, for a good few years, even though we had said to ourselves we never would:)
Great pictures and perfect!

Harajuku PearL said...

I just love old fashion buildings! This is a good one!
Have a good weekend!


Anonymous said...


I never seen this kind of cottage before. thanks for sharing.

happy weekend!

Anonymous said...

WOW! That's a nice cottage! Interesting shots too:)

Theodwyn said...

Nice! Love the roof. There's a high likelihood I'll be studying in Cardiff come September, so I may go visit that house someday!

Lynn said...

300 years and still look so sturdy!

Hootin Anni said...

These are terrific! And I love how you have given us a bit of educational background on all! A fantastic job.

Mine is posted, I hope you can drop by. I love visitors. Happy weekend.

larawannabe said...

I like Y Bwthyn. It looks very quaint and homey :) All your photos are very picturesque. Good one!

Mine's here.

Ingrid said...

If oldfashioned in architecture is like this then I only like oldfashioned ! The house and the store are absolutely gorgious !

Dragonstar said...

Lovely pictures Siani, and perfect for the theme.

Utah Mommy said...

Oh old cottage beautiful one. Happy weekend! Mine is up too please check it out. Thank you!

maryt/theteach said...

Beautiful thatched cottage and craft shop! Thanks for visiting my old house post! Have a good weekend, Siani!

Joyismygoal said...

I remember I liked this one then and now too

Liz Hinds said...

Lovely Oxwich.

Barb said...

Just Lovely. I used to live in a tiny cottage, right after my divorce. I miss it.

Jersey - The Furry Diva said...

WOW - I love the pictures, especiall the close-up.

Great take on the theme!

ellen b. said...

That looks like a place I'd love to visit. Thatched roofs are very old fashioned.

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful cottage. I love the thatched roof.
Sara from farmingfriends

Tokenhippygirl said...

They are perfect for the theme, not to mention very cool. Excellent choices. Happy hunting.

Colin Campbell said...

Beautiful. Living in Australia it is very noticeable how few really old buildings there are.

Anonymous said...

That's a beautiful cottage. Good to learn that it is still looking great although it is at least 300 yrs old.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the comment, Siani. You can guess what I say about your pics:
ah... I remember it well. Actually my pic of Oxwich Bay looking east was taken just up the lane from there.
I do hope you can get mobile but it's an expensive business.

CRIZ LAI said...

Cool cottage shots. Happy week end :)

Anonymous said...

lovely shots!! thanks for sharing

shiera (bisdakbabbles) said...

I love these kinds of cottages! Just like in the movies... :)

poefusion said...

I love the pictures you've used for the theme. That cottage is beautiful. I love looking at old buildings. Thanks for sharing. Happy Photo Hunting~

Anna said...

Very nice photos,, perfect for the themed this week...Thanks for sharing...Mine is up too:
Every Beat Of My Heart

poor man's nicole richie said...

the cottage looks old fashioned yet great.
thanks for sharing.

Heart of Rachel said...

I think those are nice cottages. They must be cozy places.

Anonymous said...

I like your photographs very good thank you for the visit
