This week's

First up is Liberty. She's fourteen now, and has kidney disease. But she's still pretty lively and playful for her age. She's a little bit out of sorts at the moment, as she's getting over a mild bout of flu. Here she is resting on my bed a few days ago.
Despite being an elderly lady, she's still very interested in everything that happens around her, and her eyes grow huge whenever she sees something that catches her attention.
Here she is, sitting on my lap first thing in the morning (excuse the hideous pyjama bottoms), giving me one of her adoring looks. She's a very sweet-natured, affectionate girl. In fact, she's so affectionate, I often have to fight her off. The other cat, Leo, torments the living daylights out of the poor old girl, so she likes to seek refuge from him on my shoulder.
This guy, Leo, thinks he's the most important thing in the whole world. He's a very arrogant and bossy cat, who likes to have his own way for everything.

He's seven years old, and still full of mischief. In fact, he's one bad cat! Favorite tricks include ripping open human legs, chewing holes in human arms, smashing ornaments and climbing onto the kitchen counter to claw holes in all the fruit in the fruit bowl. He bullies Liberty terribly. He thinks he's so important, he tries to hog all the cat food, and does his best to sleep in two furry radiator beds at the same time, just to make himself feel more important than Liberty. He's a large, muscular cat, who launches sudden attacks on humans. When he locks onto a leg or arm, he has to be hauled off by the scruff of his neck. I call him Pitbull Cat.

Here's a rare shot of them together. As you can see, Liberty doesn't look too happy at having Leo so close to her. She was lying on the end of the bed, near my feet. Then, Leo came along, and because he thinks he's more important than her, he pushed himself in between me and her, in order to be closer to me.

Oh well. I guess my interpretation of this week's theme is a little lame and tenuous. Blame the great British weather. I haven't been able to get out and about with my camera for weeks, so I've no new pics to post. Have a lovely weekend, wherever you are!
lol!!!! nice photos.... mine's up too.
Those are a couple of fine looking felines! Excellent photos!
They are realy cute!
Happy Weekend!
cute pets!!!
have a great weekend! :)
Those are cute photos. She doesn't look old at all. Have a great weekend.
A simple life
moms..... check nyo
Libby is so beautiful and the Blue Meanie is such a handsome fellow even if he is a "something wicked this way comes cat"
Happy weekend
Those are adorable!
Excellent photos!
Oh dear. "Seven years old and still full of mischief" -- this is not good news for me and my new extremely mischievous cats... I'm amazed you got that shot of the two of them together. Poor Liberty. Give her a kiss from me.
I like the photographs of your cats and I didn't think it was lame or tenuous at all. Hope you have a good weekend.
Oh I love kitties!! Great photos!
Happy Weekend. cute are those photos!!!
Will you come and visit me? My Photo Hunt is up as well;-) Happy Weekend!
Liberty doesn't look that old even in the poorly photo. Poor thing being bullied by Leo, who does look very tough!
They are important to you! And that's what counts.
Your cats are beautiful. I have five cats and they are really important to me. SAra from farmingfriends
Sweet kitties! :) Thanks for stopping by my blog. My husband is the best. :)
I don't think they're lame and/or tenuous one bit. Pets are very important to us.
(And if yours is tenuous, then so is mine!)
Enjoy your cats!
the seem to know who is important in your house
Leo looks mischievious and both are really adorable pets.
wow! how nice your picture is,indeed that really important! keep it up...
check mine:
Happy weekend!!!
You have a nice cat~
happy hunting~
Works for me--very sweet.
I thought there would be lots of cats this week but these are the first I've seen. They do think they are very important. Great photos Siani.
Liberty is beautiful and so is Leo. Leo is a Korat Cat right?
Mine are up….
Criz’s Sanctuary:
Insight Criz:
Have a nice weekend!
Hi!So, you are a cat lover.Most of my good friends are.My youngest sister too.By the way, got a tag for you here:
I hope you won't mind.
Pets are important and some rich owners leave their inheritance to their cats or dogs!
Mine is up too.
Oh I agree with you to 100 % ! my cats are also very important in my life. I loved the description of your cats. I noticed that "tuxi" cats are especially affectionated because I have the same with my little Rosie ! I never had such a clean nose in my whole life, because Rosie washes it all the time, lol !
Both of your cats are adorable, but I have a special affinity for the solid gray (Blue Russian?). I had one for years and years, and he finally died. It was heartbreaking. Someday I'd like to have another.
i wish i could have at least one for a pet. thing is i'm allergic to cats = (
Liberty and Leo are great looking cats! It's too bad they don't get along too well. We love each other and love having someone to snuggle with. Perfect choice for this week's Hunt. :)
Dragonheart & Merlin
WOW... those are pretty cats (=
Siani, beautiful shots to important peopl...ah, I mean, kitty cats in your life. :) Where did the kitties get those eyes?
Great choices for the theme! :)
Love it! What pretty babies!
What a cute post, Siani. I love cats, I really do. We have two cats who have a similar relationship as yours do, but fortunately the one with Leo's personality is not nearly as feisty as Leo seems to be. Hope you have a wonderful weekend and thanks so much for stopping by the creek on this week's hunt.
Your pics are purrrrfect. I enjoyed the look at your cats. They are beautiful. I hope Liberty starts feeling better soon. I am sorry she has a kidney disease. I guess her living as long as she has says something about you. You care for them well. Thanks for sharing. Happy WW~ Have a nice day.
ohh lol I like your cat Leo he reminds me of our cat Pepper who fortunately eaten by the coyote :(..Hope you have a great weekend and thanks for stopping bye..;)
Siani, what a lovely collection of very important pictures! Poor Liberty has a hard life it seems.
I think your cats are beautiful. And I can tell they want their own blog!
Very nice photos! :D Happy Photo Hunting...
They are both absolutely gorgeous! I love that shot of the two of them together.
Leo and Liberty are lovely cats. Pets have a wonderful way of making us happy. Thanks for sharing.
cute photos!
I love leo! :D
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