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Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Wordless Wednesday - Summer Memories


White Valerian

My semi-wild, overgrown garden

Come back summer - all's forgiven!


jams o donnell said...

We had those two flowers right together in our front. The former is lone gone but one white valerian is soldiering on! Have a great Xmas Siani

BNS said...

I'd say you have a lovely garden. The blooms may be gone for the winter, but you've done a good job to save them as photos.

Bobbie @ The Right Blue

MaR said...

What lovely pictures of a past summer!
Happy WW!

Dragonstar said...

Oh,beautiful! Warm, scented - mmmmmm.

SandyCarlson said...

You have a lovely garden! Those flowers are beautiful. God bless!

Pea in a Pod said...

Those are beautiful flowers! :)
Here's mine for today!
Yen's Wordless
Happy Holidays!!!

Secret Agent Mama said...

My dream: To come, sit, and have coffee or tea with you in your garden.

Ingrid said...

Looking at your beautiful pictures, I wished summer would be here again !

ellen b. said...

I love your summer garden! Great photos!

Pelfy said...

Those Fleabane are amazing. They look like a Sunflower to me. Heehee (= Merry Christmas in advance, Siani, and thanks for visiting me today. Have fun!

Dragonheart, Merlin, Devi, and Chloe said...

Lovely photos! Your garden is beautiful. :)

Digital Flower Pictures said...

Very beautiful flowers well grown and photographed.

Happy Holidays.

Liz said...

Stunning photos! Loved the violet flowers. Are the flowers in the last photo from your garden?

Anonymous said...

Those are lovely flowers. I miss summer already!

Happy WW

maryt/theteach said...

Siani, my heart goes out to the person who was put out of a night club...yes, true beauty is in your expression of kindness and love.

Your photos are lovely!

Come visit me at
Work of the Poet
Answers to the Questions

Mommy Lutchi said...

gorgeous photos, thanks for sharing.
Mine is up at 4Seasonsofmylife. Hope you can visit me too.

shiera said...

You've got a beautiful garden! My mother used to grow orchids but she got tired of it and now, all we have are those planted by my grandmother when she visits us. ^-^
