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Saturday, December 15, 2007

PhotoHunt: Small

This week's theme is Small. I've not been able to get out and about with my camera lately, what with the weather, and it being a busy time of year. So I've had to recycle some pics from posts made earlier this year. I don't think I've used them for PhotoHunt, though. Apologies if I have.

This pic, taken back in the summer, shows a pair of swans and their small cygnets.

This next pic gives us a closer look at one of the small cygnets, alongside its not so small parent. I have no idea if that's mum or dad.

Anyway, that's all for this week, folks. Have a great weekend!


Carver said...

Beautiful photographs of the swans with their small cygnets. I hope you have a great weekend.

eastcoastlife said...

I have been to our Botanical gardens for many visits to feed the swans, but so far I have not seen any cygnets. Probably in the future....

PowersTwinB said...

Oh these are two beautoful photos of the swan with her baby! Great for small theme! Swans are really quite large, so I appreciate the photo of the babiy. Thanks for visiting my hunt tonight!

jmb said...

Siani, I was trolling my archives this week too and I've got goslings. Swans are even better.

Crazy Working Mom said...

That is so sweet. I love the photos of mommy and baby. :)

Great choice for this week's theme.

Happy Hunting.

Tisha @ CrAzY Working Mom

Chen said...

Beautiful shot of the swans and the little cygnets. So far, I haven't have the chance to see the real life cygnets yet :)

Ingrid said...

I love the little once, they look so fluffy !

Liz said...

Lovely swans. Nice take on the theme.
Happy weekend!

Liz said...

Great shots! I loved the little ones. They're beautiful. Happy hunting.

CRIZ LAI said...

They are so graceful and beautiful. Nice entry :)

kljs said...

beautiful swan and it's cute baby!

jams o donnell said...

Beautiful shots Siani There is definitely a size contrast! Have a great weekend

MaR said...

Beautiful photographs for "small"", thanks for a pretty sight to soothe my soul...

Anonymous said...

Those are beautiful photos. She seems very protective of her small ones. Have a good weekend.

Lynn said...

I love these photos of the swans. It just looks perfect while they're traversing the waters.

Pat said...

Oh beautiful photos!!

Happy Weekend.

ellen b. said...

Very sweet and small compared to mama swan. Have a great weekend.

Anonymous said...

I love swans, they are so elegant, but I do love the slightly scruffy looking cygnets as well. Great shots!

Sara said...

You are lucky to have seen the cygnets with them. Sara from farmingfriends

Pelfy said...

The swans remind me of "the ugly duckling" hhahah (=

Anyway, thanks for visiting me earlier. Have a wonderful day.

Heart of Rachel said...

Those are lovely pictures. Swans are beautiful animals. I think they are very affectionate and sweet.

Natalie said...

What precious little's amazing that they get so much more beautiful as they grow up.

My Photo Hunt is up too! :)

Anonymous said...

aww I love the little ducklings

Dragonstar said...

Siani, I love these! Swans are so elegant and beautiful.

Patricia said...

Very lovely, Siani. Swans are not commonly (or ever) found on Pollywog Creek! =) Thank you for stopping by and for your most kind comment. Hope your weekend is delightful.

Dragonheart, Merlin, Devi, and Chloe said...

Beautiful photos of the swan and the cygnets. :) Lovely!

SabineM said...

I love them as cygnets! How adorable!
I am about to erupt myself! ;-)
