This has to be something of a record for me - I've actually remembered to take part in
This first shot shows a distant bridge, crossing the marina, just in front of the red brick tower. It's a swingbridge, which opens to allow vessels to enter and exit the marina. Even though clear warnings are given about when the bridge is about to swing open (flashing lights, alarms, a loud hailer, etc), I tend to race across this bridge really quickly, as I fear being caught with a foot on either side of the gap, as the bridge swings open.

This next shot shows the Sailbridge, a recent addition to Swansea's collection of bridges. It links two sections of redeveloped docklands, which lie on opposite sides of the river. This shot was taken from yet another footbridge across the river, a little closer to the spot where the river runs into the sea.

Here's a closer look at the Sailbridge. The above shots were taken on a sunny June day. The shots below were taken on a chilly day in February 2008.

Here's an even closer look.

That's my PhotoHunt for this week. Hope you enjoyed the pics - have a great weekend.
beautiful entry. i like your name too.
Hi, Shani: I did enjoy your photos. thanks for sharing, Happy Weekend!
These are very nice photos :) That must be an awesome place to visit :)
Happy weekend!
Beautiful shots and Sailbridge is such an interesting bridges. happy weekend.
very nice, you could see london bridge if you went to arizona
Great shots of your bridges. That swingbridge shot is my favorite... the sailbridge is really interesting.. thanks for coming by...
The photos I can see are nice but the second photo you put up is not turning up so all I see is a blank space! :(
That's a beautiful bridge! I immediately had to look up in Wickapedia where it was...Lovely home in South Wales! My photos are not from my home state of Michigan, but from some travels to the Caribbean...Please come and visit when you can
Beautiful photos - what a great place to live. A swinging bridge would make me nervous too, and tha Sailbridge is very cool-looking!
Thanks for visiting mine and happy weekend!
I love that modern bridge!
The marina looks beautiful. You live in a lovely neighbourhood.
Oh the 3rd and 4rth pictures are very nice shot of the bridge. Nice take of the theme. Happy weekend.
That's one unique bridge you have there. What a modern way to support it. :)
Wow, that bridge is really neat looking. Have a good day.
The only bridges I knew acoss the Tawe were the road and the rail bridges. The area has certainly improved.
For some daft reason I never got a shot of the 'Roman' bridge at Blackpill.
Great shotss Siani. The supports on the Sailbridge really do look like a lateen sail! Happy weekend
What a beautiful place it is and I love that last bridge. Sailbridge. Wonderful
Happy weekend Siani.
A unique bridge with great architecture! I envy the blue skies!
I love the Sailbridge - so different!
Nice selection of photos, what an impressive bridge.
Sail Bridge is very interesting. I have never seen pictures of Swansea before. Must take a look around your blog.
__GOOD PIX ;)__
Lovely shots all, thanks for sharing.
I love the last 2 shots, the bridge looks like a slingshot ready to aim a shot ;-) Here's mine
Great brigde. It lokks a bit like a bridge we have here in my city :)
Nice shots! Very beautiful :)
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