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Saturday, January 10, 2009

PhotoHunt: Aftermath

It's been quite a while since I took part in , so I thought I'd best get back in the swing of things. This week's theme is Aftermath - and I've decided to interpret it liberally.

This first shot shows the aftermath of allowing one's dog to run free on the beach, whilst you're trying to take a nice, pretty, sunset shot. I was so pleased with this shot when I viewed it on my camera's small LCD display. As far as I was concerned, I had captured yesterday's wintry sky exactly as I'd hoped.

When I got home, I uploaded my images, only to discover my little Shih Tzu, Jake, in the foreground of my shot, taking a poop in the sand. Now I understand why so many people mis-spell Shih Tzu as Shitzu.

The next pics show the aftermath of the coldest weather we've had in the UK for a very long time. The water at Swansea Marina was frozen over yesterday.

No, this isn't crazy paving. It's ice, in one of the marina's mooring berths.

Oh well, that's my PhotoHunt for this week. Have a wonderful weekend!


jams o donnell said...

Ah a wintry sky and a dog showing the aftermath of eating! Wonderful! Happy weekend Siani

Anonymous said...

I remember ice at Blackpill back around 1953. I last saw this in the bay below us at Inishfree - I think in 1991.
Jake's antics aside, I love that sky.Nice to see your pictures once more.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful sky photo and it's very funny you didn't notice Jake doing his thing. Cute photo and story.

If you have time see my aftermath photos here.

Anonymous said...

Today our weather has finally reverted to Atlantic style with wind and rain.
Since 18th.Dec. it has been dry and mostly bright. Frosts but very little ice down here by the sea. Nothing really untoward.

Those pics below show that you have the perfect canine model.

Hootin Anni said...

Nice to visit with you again...but I think we need a pooper scooper when we come here again soon. [kidding!]

Mine's aftermath of after math. Come on over to see it if you have some time today.

CRIZ LAI said...

Haha.. I like the way you describe about Jake Shih Tzu against "Shit"zu. I was laughing all the way.

By the way, I heard about the unpredicted low temperatures in Europe and Canada. The weather was so freezing cold. Brrr~~

Anonymous said...

da first pic is funny :D
good take on this week's theme

have a great weekend!

Anonymous said...

Lol. I am one of those who spell it shitzu. :D I love this breed though. :D

Anonymous said...

Can I recommend using the cropping tool? :)

I'm trying to remember when I was last in Swansea. It was very cold then but there certainly wasn't any ice in the marina.

Sandy said...

Makes me shiver.....brrrrr

Dragonstar said...

Those pictures look so cold! I love the first one though - dogs just don't care about the beauty of nature.

Word verification - phonicat!!!

RJ Flamingo said...

Wow! The ice is wild! Love Jake, though -- they're such little hams, aren't they? in the best and worst ways!

Thanks for stopping by!

Nomi said...

I jus read all the above and I definately don't want to do anyfing like that. I am a good girlie cat who is geting very fed up of all this weely cold wefer. Miewmie says it will warm up on sunday. OK, when is sunday?

Biker Betty said...

I was away from the hunt for about 6 months and just came back again last weekend. Welcome back!

That does look like crazy pavement, lol. That's funny about your dog. Great choices for this theme.

Have a great weekend!

Leslie said...

I've never seen a frozen marina before! Wow!

stan said...

wow! those are amazing frozen sightings. I wish the weather changes here.
