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Friday, August 08, 2008

Friday Fill-Ins

1. You know you're old when __________.

You know you're old when you find yourself shaking your head, tutting and saying things like 'when I was a kid, we had to make up our own games', or 'kids these days, no manners'.

2. My heart is divided between __________ and __________.

My heart is divided between getting some more work done and taking a walk along the beach.

3. __________ is what I need RIGHT NOW!

A brand new, fully functional laptop is what I need RIGHT NOW!

4. I have felt the __________, I have known the depths of __________.

I have felt the warmth of the sun, I have known the depths of a dark, musty cave.

5. Gah, won't these people __________.

Gah, won't these people shut the heck up, godforsaken, horrible neighbours as they are .

6. __________ as soon as you can!

Cats, learn to make me a coffee and do the vacuuming as soon as you can!

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I’m looking forward to _____, tomorrow my plans include _____ and Sunday, I want to _____!

And as for the weekend, tonight I’m looking forward to some nice, quiet 'me' time, tomorrow my plans include taking a nice walk somewhere scenic, with my camera and Sunday, I want to spend the day clearing my weed-infested garden!

Take part in Friday Fill-Ins.


ShannonW said...

To #1...I catch myself doing/saying that.
A walk along the beach would be heavenly!

Diana_CT said...

#1 Or "I remember when I was a kid..."

#2 Tomorrow or Sunday I hope to take a walk along Biddeford Pool beach and hopefully get some good potos.

Eila said...

Love #6. If only they can learn to make you coffee and do the vacuuming..happy weekend!
